Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mary of Plymouth (Online Vintage Children's Book and Audiobook)

From Mary of Plymouth: A Story of the Pilgrim Settlement by James Otis, 1910:

"My name is Mary, and I am setting down all these things about our people here in this new world, hoping some day to send to my dear friend, Hannah, who lives in Scrooby, England, what may really come to be a story, even though the writer of it is only sixteen years old, having lived in Plymouth since the day our company landed from the Mayflower in 1620, more than eleven years ago."

You can read the rest of the classic children's book online here. There are several formats to choose from and the "Read Online" option has the text nicely laid out as though you were looking at an open book. Just click to turn the page! The book also has a lovely assortment of illustrations throughout.

This book is also available as an audio book (which our family is currently enjoying!) from BlueBehemoth.com.

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